More Magic

Here you are, plugged in and ready to write.  Notice how the birds and squirrels just became so much louder? You talk about a reciprocal communication with the natural world, but you don't really fully believe it yet.

The more you do it, the more you'll have these experiences.  They're proof to you that this is Real.  Trust the Reality of it.  Deepen into the Magic of it.

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Plugged in, tuned in, and listening.  You've been doing that for some time now.  You consciously started communicating with me in 2010 and have continued intermittently.

Now is the time for you to deepen your trust of this process.  Not only is it Real but it is an extraordinarily powerful gift for humanity and for Mother Earth.

You have your assignment. You can call it Divine Assignment, Sacred Marching Orders.  I am suggesting to you that, this morning, you call it Messages from Mother.

In so many religions people have been taught that they can speak to God and hear God. Why has it been so foreign to you to recognize that you can speak to this imminent spirit that is Mother Earth?

Since the beginning of the patriarchal age she has been defiled.  This is her time of return.

She is speaking and many are listening.  You are one of them.  There are countless others. You all convey her voice and she has much to say.

Look at what you saw this morning on your walk with Cathy.  If Mother Earth and the natural world is not Magic, I don't know what is.

Those pictures you took this morning capture the essence of this Magic.  Watching Dexter romp through the high weeds led by his nose was breathtaking.  "What is Magic if it's not the beauty of the life force coursing through animals in total freedom, and flowers bursting open from the rich, moist soil?”

Magic has been so maligned and defiled under patriarchy.  More and more of you are consciously reconnecting with it.  This precious planet is beauty without measure.  There is a growing movement to restore her to her original state.

You humans can be a part of this restoration or she can return to her fullness and opulence sans human beings.

This is the most important movement that has existed since the beginning of time.  Stay the course and keep moving.  We are participating with you.

This piece was written by my friend Leah Myers.  It provides a clear example of how we can access Magic . She calls this writing Tangible Magic.

As I was walking in nature, I stood silently in front of a shallow pool of water, a swampy, marshy wetland.  I noticed two exquisite tiny birds with golden yellow chests quietly moving around the fallen branches and beautiful, garnet colored, wildflowers and breathed in the gorgeous, magical scene.  Just then three walkers came by with loud heavy footsteps and loud chattering voices and the wetland got quiet and dull.  The walkers passed me, smiled, said hello and looked as though they were wondering what in the world was I looking at for so long.  To them, it was just a dull, quiet swamp, with nothing to see.  After they passed and everything got quiet and still again, I witnessed the most magical scene, the golden birds reappeared, at least 15 blue and ruby dragonflies rose from the water, dancing around, crickets and frogs began singing and two tiny star- winged insects sailed around as barely visible daytime stars.  It was magical and the magic showed up in stillness, silence, peace.

The Magic is always there, we just get in too much of a hurry to see it.  When we walk by it, disconnected and removed, oblivious to its existence it cannot reach us, we cannot see it or feel it.  When we enter stillness, let go of agenda, and the need for frantic action, it shows up and nourishes us, giving us what we need and what we’re looking for.